Radenta Technologies offers 50 percent off on Dugga Digital Assessment, a digital test platform used to conduct digital tests, exams, home exams, digital lessons, assignments, and other types of educational knowledge assessment. The platform is tailor-made for Higher Education, Corporate Education, and the K12 space.
Interested schools can get a four-month trial period, and those who sign up for the paid version within the first two months get a 50% discount on their first year plus free set-up cost. Those who wish to sign up can click here.
Research has shown that 96 percent of teachers find student assessment stressful and the worst part of their job. Student assessment is time-consuming, with 70 percent of the teacher’s time spent creating, conducting, and administering exams. It leads to unequal opportunities. About 1 out of 5 students have some form of special need, and teachers tend to be biased when marking and grading. Present methods create unnecessary stress for the student during an examination, thus taking away the focus from learning.
Dugga takes all these into consideration with its full landscape of learning, assessment, and feedback. It has an intuitive state-of-the-art design, saves time and lowers stress by 95 percent, is secure with various security options, provides equal opportunities with built-in accessibility tools, and is the best fit for hybrid and blended learning.
Data shows that the most significant benefit of using Dugga is the time a teacher saves while grading. From a sample of 4,000 students and 700 teachers in Sweden, each teacher saved 5 hours a week or 130 hours per year. This time saved can be spent on students.
Dugga is the only assessment platform borne out of scientific research in 2012, spearheaded by Dugga AB, a Swedish company. It was developed by experienced teachers, IT specialists, and researchers in pedagogy, informatics, computer science, and other relevant areas. It was officially launched at Standford University in California, USA, in 2015. It is now being used in over 130 countries worldwide.
Dugga has partnered with Microsoft since 2016 and was chosen as Microsoft 2020 Partner of the Year Winner in the Education Award category.
To learn more about Dugga and other learning solutions, get in touch with Radenta Technologies at info@radenta.com.
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